~ What are you most looking forward to about this school year? Why are you looking forward to it? What are you most worried about? Why?
~ Write a letter to last year’s teacher telling him/her what you did over the summer. Where did you go? Who did you go with? What did you do?
~ Make a list of 20 things in the classroom that interest you. Choose three of them and write a short description.
~ Write one thing that relates to school for each letter of the alphabet. For example A = alphabet, B = ball, C = Crayons
~ Do you like school? Why or why not? What would you change about it?
~ Write a story using characters from your pencil box. For example, Ronald the Ruler and Penny the Pencil
~ Write a poem about school. Here are some rhyming words for you to use. school/cool, smart/art, rules/tools, day/play, class/pass, grade/made
~ What do you think school was like 100 years ago? What do you think it will be like 100 years from now? What things are the same? What things are different?
~ Make a list of 10 goals you have for this year. How will you achieve them?
~ Imagine that you go to an underwater school. What does it look like? Who is with you? What do you like about it? How do you get to school?
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