Check out! This awesome website allows teachers to upload their weekly spelling lists. Students can then log on and choose either "Teach Me," "Test Me," or "Play a Game."
Under Teach Me, students will be able to listen as the computer says the word, spells the word, and then says the word again. A sentence is also given for each word.
If a student chooses Play A Game, then they get to choose between bunches of great games that incorporate their spelling words. Some of the games are Word Search, Match It, Crossword, and Hang Mouse. There are a total of nine different games, all full of fun!
Test Me is where the students are given a practice test. The students hear the word, and then type it in the blank. The computer generates a grade sheet, which can be printed for the teacher's records.
If you have been trying to figure out how to add some variety to your spelling class, try this out. You'll love it!
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