Who am I?

First and foremost, I am a child of God. I love serving Jesus, and want to please Him in the little things and the big. I attend a large conservative church.

I am a wife to Jason, a wonderful man. We were married on April 21st 2007. He works as a weighmaster at a limestone quarry. He is amazing at math, thinking on his feet, finances, and brainstorming.

I am a homemaker. We bought our first home in October, and as money and time permit, I love fixing it up, decorating it, and making it into a place we love to be.

I have dreams of one day becoming a mommy. As of yet, the Lord has not blessed us with a child, but it is my prayer that sometime in the next few years, He will.

I am daughter and sister. My parents have been married for 25+ years. I have 5 brothers and 2 sisters. My youngest brother and sister are adopted from Ukraine where my parents are missionaries. I spent my growing up years in Ukraine, and learned many important life lessons, along with two other languages.

I am a teacher. I graduated from college with a teacher's certificate. I took a semester off to get married, and then began teaching full time in the class where I had done my student teaching. I teach third and fourth grade in a combined classroom at a private Christian school. I am currently in my second year of teaching. My favorite parts of teaching are creative writing, science, history, and bulletin boards. My least favorite part is the constant grading.

I am a baker/chef. I love to spend time in the kitchen. I learned how to cook when I was very young, and have always loved it. I like making old recipes new, making new recipes, and making classic recipes. I rarely use mixes, I like doing things from scratch. (A habit I got into in Ukraine, where there are almost no mixes)

I am a musician. (sort of) I love to sing, play the piano and play the saxophone. Singing is definitely the area in which I am more skilled, but I enjoy plunking around on the piano just the same. When my elementary school started a sixth grade band, a cheap saxaphone was available from a friend, and so that is what I ended up playing. I always wanted to play a flute or a violin.

I am a reader. I love books. When we were young, our mom had to limit us to six books per person, per week. We normally would all read all thirty six books before we went back to the library the next week.

I am a blogger. I spend a lot of time in the bloggy world. I enjoy reading, writing, and creating, and this gives me a good place to do all of those things.
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