8:00-8:15 Students arrive
8:15-8:30 Attendance, lunch count, and pledges
8:30-9:00 Combined Bible class ~ Every day we review our Scripture memory, Catechism, and Hymn. We then go on to a Bible lesson. This class is combined, both third and fourth grade do the same lessons.
9:00-9:30 Third grade Spelling, Penmanship, and Language ~ During this time, 4th grade works on writing their spelling words, and completing their penmanship. We begin by reviewing our spelling words orally, briefly going over the penmanship assignment, and then beginning the language lesson. If my students behave exceptionally well and there is time remaining, at the end of the half hour, we play a short spelling review game.
9:30-10:00 Fourth grade Spelling, Penmanship, and Language ~ This follows the same format as third grade. Third grade is working on their assignments for spelling, penmanship, and language.
10:00 - 10:15 Morning recess ~ On the days that I do not have playground duty, I spend this time working with slower students.
10:15-10:30 Restroom pass ~ With 25 students, it normally lasts a little bit longer than this. However, the pass starts with fourth grade, and once they are all done with their trek to the restroom and the moisturization of their parched mouths, we begin their math lesson.
10:30- 10:55 Fourth grade math ~ We begin by checking the previous day's paper. Next comes the fact drill, and sometimes flash cards, and then the day's lesson. Fourth grade then works on their math assignment while we go on to . . .
10:55-11:20 Third grade math ~ same format as fourth.
11:30- 12:00 Lunch ~ I am responsible to monitor my students during this time.
12:00-12:30 Lunch break ~ Normally, I have break duty, but when I don't, I have grading time. Typically, however, it becomes disciplinary time for a few of my students.
12:30 - 12:45 Restroom pass
Afternoons ~ In the afternoons, we have out of classroom classes like Art, Music, Library and Choir. Because of this, each day's schedule is different. In the afternoon, we cover 3rd grade reading, 4th grade reading, history, and science. (History and science are combined. I teach 3rd grade history and 4th science one year and vice versa the next.)
3:00-3:15 ~ end of day assignments, straightening desks, getting things to go home (I read to the students during this time)
There you have it! My day is packed full! I have 1 1/2 hours of prep time at school per week. What is your day like?
Number 18 -- A barely-hanging-on Blogoversary
5 months ago