Saturday, March 28, 2009

Typical Day in a Combined Classroom

8:00-8:15 Students arrive

8:15-8:30 Attendance, lunch count, and pledges

8:30-9:00 Combined Bible class ~ Every day we review our Scripture memory, Catechism, and Hymn. We then go on to a Bible lesson. This class is combined, both third and fourth grade do the same lessons.

9:00-9:30 Third grade Spelling, Penmanship, and Language ~ During this time, 4th grade works on writing their spelling words, and completing their penmanship. We begin by reviewing our spelling words orally, briefly going over the penmanship assignment, and then beginning the language lesson. If my students behave exceptionally well and there is time remaining, at the end of the half hour, we play a short spelling review game.

9:30-10:00 Fourth grade Spelling, Penmanship, and Language ~ This follows the same format as third grade. Third grade is working on their assignments for spelling, penmanship, and language.

10:00 - 10:15 Morning recess ~ On the days that I do not have playground duty, I spend this time working with slower students.

10:15-10:30 Restroom pass ~ With 25 students, it normally lasts a little bit longer than this. However, the pass starts with fourth grade, and once they are all done with their trek to the restroom and the moisturization of their parched mouths, we begin their math lesson.

10:30- 10:55 Fourth grade math ~ We begin by checking the previous day's paper. Next comes the fact drill, and sometimes flash cards, and then the day's lesson. Fourth grade then works on their math assignment while we go on to . . .

10:55-11:20 Third grade math ~ same format as fourth.

11:30- 12:00 Lunch ~ I am responsible to monitor my students during this time.

12:00-12:30 Lunch break ~ Normally, I have break duty, but when I don't, I have grading time. Typically, however, it becomes disciplinary time for a few of my students.

12:30 - 12:45 Restroom pass

Afternoons ~ In the afternoons, we have out of classroom classes like Art, Music, Library and Choir. Because of this, each day's schedule is different. In the afternoon, we cover 3rd grade reading, 4th grade reading, history, and science. (History and science are combined. I teach 3rd grade history and 4th science one year and vice versa the next.)

3:00-3:15 ~ end of day assignments, straightening desks, getting things to go home (I read to the students during this time)

There you have it! My day is packed full! I have 1 1/2 hours of prep time at school per week. What is your day like?

Friday, March 27, 2009

Why I Need Pockets

Because I confiscated all of these on the five minute walk to the cafeteria today!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

New Kid on the Block

Do you ever feel totally ignorant and inept? I do. At the small Christian elementary school where I teach, every other teacher is at least thirty years older than I am. The one with the least experience has been teaching for 20 years. I am teaching for my second year. Although I have been learning much, some days I still feel totally inadequate.

Two days ago, that was how I was feeling. Thankfully, I can express myself freely to the other teachers about most matters, and as we gathered for prayer before we started our day, I requested that they join me in praying for wisdom as I deal with some difficult situations. I told them of my feeling of inadequacy.

One of the older teachers piped up. She is the "strict" teacher. In our school, she is known for her strict rules and rigid requirements. What she said made my day ten times brighter. She told me that I was learning, and learning well. She said that she had just mentioned my growing teaching skills to her husband the other day.

So, yesterday and today when I was faced with those crazy, complicated situations when I felt I was doing it all wrong, I reminded myself of her words. Not because I want to be prideful, but because she is seeing progress. A good teacher never stops learning. I don't intend to stop now or anytime soon!

Keep on keeping on.

Why a Teaching Blog?

Every blog should have a purpose. I have a creative blog, a family blog, (both of which will not be linked from/to at this blog for anonymity reasons) and now this. . . a teaching blog. This blog's purpose is strictly and solely selfish. I want to. . .

1. Vent in an anonymous way. Sometimes it is difficult to find a place to go when things are tough, or annoying, or frustrating. I write in these situations. This blog gives me a place to do just that.

2. Connect with other teachers. I know that I don't have all the answers, and as my teaching career progresses, there will be many times that I have lots of questions. Who better to ask for advice than other seasoned teachers?

3. Journal the everyday happenings at school for future memories. I tried writing them down at the beginning of my first year, but I got seriously behind very quickly.

I may add more reasons later, but at present, the above express the purpose of this blog fairly well. Enjoy!

About Me

Who am I?
First and foremost, I am a child of God. I love serving Jesus, and want to please Him in the little things and the big. I attend a large conservative church.

I am a wife to Jason, a wonderful man. We were married on April 21st 2007. He works as a weighmaster at a limestone quarry. He is amazing at math, thinking on his feet, finances, and brainstorming.

I am a homemaker. We bought our first home in October, and as money and time permit, I love fixing it up, decorating it, and making it into a place we love to be.

I have dreams of one day becoming a mommy. As of yet, the Lord has not blessed us with a child, but it is my prayer that sometime in the next few years, He will.

I am daughter and sister. My parents have been married for 25+ years. I have 5 brothers and 2 sisters. My youngest brother and sister are adopted from Ukraine where my parents are missionaries. I spent my growing up years in Ukraine, and learned many important life lessons, along with two other languages.

I am a teacher. I graduated from college with a teacher's certificate. I took a semester off to get married, and then began teaching full time in the class where I had done my student teaching. I teach third and fourth grade in a combined classroom at a private Christian school. I am currently in my second year of teaching. My favorite parts of teaching are creative writing, science, history, and bulletin boards. My least favorite part is the constant grading.

I am a baker/chef. I love to spend time in the kitchen. I learned how to cook when I was very young, and have always loved it. I like making old recipes new, making new recipes, and making classic recipes. I rarely use mixes, I like doing things from scratch. (A habit I got into in Ukraine, where there are almost no mixes)

I am a musician. (sort of) I love to sing, play the piano and play the saxophone. Singing is definitely the area in which I am more skilled, but I enjoy plunking around on the piano just the same. When my elementary school started a sixth grade band, a cheap saxaphone was available from a friend, and so that is what I ended up playing. I always wanted to play a flute or a violin.

I am a reader. I love books. When we were young, our mom had to limit us to six books per person, per week. We normally would all read all thirty six books before we went back to the library the next week.

I am a blogger. I spend a lot of time in the bloggy world. I enjoy reading, writing, and creating, and this gives me a good place to do all of those things.